'Urgent but not Important' - Things to be done first

The typical work day of a professional is becoming more complex ad demanding by the day. The multitude and variety of tasks can e overwhelming; may employees are unable to handle the stress and face a dip in their productivity. Prioritisation skills became a handy tool in such cases and allow professionals to plan their day in a manner that not only creates value, but creates the right value.

Why is prioritisation of workload necessary at all? The classic situation faced by employees today is simultaneously urgent requests from multiple stakeholders. In the context of a global marketplace, increasing compensation, many communication channels (request reach and immediacy) prioritising daily, weekly, monthly task is the key to effective responsibility management. Working faster is not the solution; instead, working on the right tasks is essential.

A broad categorisation of all the tasks is essential to bring prioritisation in motion. Being able to distinguish between 'important' and 'urgent' tasks is one of the best known ways of dealing with a flood of emails, projects and presentations, the former being less critical than the later. The focus should , therefore, be placed on 'important work', which is usually more strategic in nature; losing focus of the same can be undoing of an up and coming executive.

Time spent on planning activities saves sufficient time in execution. On a regular basis, prioritisation not only makes a person more efficient at daily work related activities, but also give them latitude to focus on their personal goals. It helps strike the right balance to handle both, their 'personal' and 'professional' life.

Make a work list

Pen down every possible thing you can do in a day;

Categorise 'Urgent' vs 'Important'

See if you have any tasks that need immediate attention and if not completed soon, will impact on business and people;

Evaluate the Importance

Scan the list and identify the highest value-adding tasks. Determine the amount of efforts expected to be invested on each activity and set the order accordingly;

Be compliant and flexible

Don't forget that change is certain and be prepared for the work that will come above your set order of priorities ;

Cut the cord

You probably can't get to everything on your list. Focus on the priorities that you know you must and can complete for the day.

The Pareto Principle

The Pareto Principle states that of the things you do during your day, only 20 percent produce 80 percent of your results. It emphasises on putting more energy in prioritising your tasks in the first the first hour at work and focus on the 20 percent that matters. When the fire drills of the day begins to sap your time and something in the schedule has to slip, make sure it's not part of that 20 percent.

Prioritisation also enables employees employees to to maintain clarity on the ultimate goals of the organisation. Organisations should make every employee understand the role he or she is playing in solving the issue important for the organisation. Employees should have clarity on what is expected from them; this enables them to prioritise better: When the employer engages employees every day in analysing and solving problems, they feel highly motivated.

Thus, prioritisation can make a lot of difference in employee efficiency and productivity.