We can save the Environment

A carbon footprint is a representation of the effect human activities have on the climate in terms of the total amount of greenhouse gases produced (measured in units of carbon dioxide). So, it is a measure of the impact we make individually on the earth by the choices we make regarding our lifestyle.

Many activities generate carbon emissions, which contribute to accelerating global warming and climate change.

Total carbon footprint/emission quantification would include energy emissions from human activities - that is, from heat, light, power and refrigeration and all related emissions from cars, freight and distribution.By measuring the carbon footprint through such tools as carbon calculators, we can get a better sense of what the individual impact is and which parts of our lifestyle deserve the greatest attention.

Ban the Bag

The Indus Valley Civilisation left beautifully-crafted pottery that speaks volumes of the advances its people made. After 3,000 years, if the ruins we leave behind are excavated, chances are only plastic bags would be dug up. It may sound like an exaggeration, but these bags are not biodegradable. Apart from causing emissions when these are manufactured, noxious fumes are released while these are being burnt or disposed off.

So, be kind to Mother Earth the next time you go shopping for groceries, remember to carry a cloth bag with you.

What India Should Do

India has released the National Action Plan on Climate Change. Is it adequate? Is there more that the country can do? Here are some ways how we can make a difference.

Solar Mission

To promote the use of solar energy through solar photovoltaic and thermal systems for power generation and to also integrate other renewable energy technologies like biomass and wind.

Energy Efficiency

To mitigate GHG through sector-specific and cross-cutting technology and fuel switch options and to use more LNG and biomass fuels besides seeking tech transfer.

Sustainable Habitat

To promote energy efficiency in the residential and commercial sectors through LPG use with better manage municipal solid waste and urban public transport.

Water Mission

To promote efficient water use, augment supply in critical areas and ensure effective management of water resources. To have better management of surface and groundwater. Also conserve wetlands.

Sustaining Himalayas 

To enhance monitoring and conservation of the Himalayan ecosystems, empower local communities for management of ecological resources and promote sustainable tourism.

Sustainable Agriculture

To focus on four crucial areas - dry land agriculture, risk management, access to information and promoting the use of biotechnology and to develop drought and pest resistant varieties.

Green India

To reduce fragmentation of forests, enhance public and private investments for plantation, upscale joint forestry management and promote conservation of biodiversity. Need to afforest degraded lands.