Do you get enough sleep?

I knew I was dead tired. I have traveled a far distance of road journey from +Nainital Lake to my current home in Allahabad . It was an interesting and enjoyable journey but yet it exhausted us. My Dad was driving us to the destination, he had forced himself to drive whole night because he got a schedule to stick to, (you know, the busy life in city) and so us. Well he said he will get the as soon we reaches Allahabad, he decided to sleep all over the day but unfortunately that could not happen, he still was awakened to complete his work of the office that was given to him by his Boss just we reached Allahabad. He drove all night long and worked all day long but couldn't afford to get a bit of rest. It was the worst day for my Father. 

But now what? Just a small story, that's it? No, we are now going to discuss that do we get enough sleep, enough rest from our daily life?

It is an undisputed fact that not getting enough sleep can lead to problems in concentrating. In fact many sleep disorder experts think that lack of sleep is the reason for many ailments. Dr. Kumar Menon and his colleagues presented a study paper on sleep disorders in Mumbai in which they stressed on the need for early detection of the problem and concluded that it was high time that all the physicians "woke up to sleep disorders and included sleep history in evaluating their patients."

Whatever be the cause of not getting proper and enough sleep, we've all experienced the exhaustion caused by lack of sleep. Thus,sleep is important to a healthy lifestyle as eating properly and exercising. getting a good night's sleep is one of the simplest things we can do to stay healthy. A good night's sleep means waking up rested and invigorated. On an average, a healthy adult requires just over eight hours of sleep at night, according to Jefferey Lipsitz, a Canadian expert on sleep disorders. However, the amount of sleep it takes to rejuvenate an individual varies from person to person. The time it takes for a sleep deficit to accrue depends on how consistent the problem is. 

In a study conducted by sleep-disorders experts, it was found that at-least one-third of adults have significant sleep loss, i.e. they have just six and a half hours or less of sleep every night. Then a recent survey conducted in India shown that twenty-nine percent of Indians went to sleep only after midnight and sixty-one percent slept for seven hours or less. The survey also arrived at the conclusion that Indians were among the world's earliest risers, with sixty-four percent getting out of bed before 7 a.m. is there a need to reiterate that "Early to Rise" is good provided a persons follows the "Early to Bed" principle as well? 

Hope you liked the post.

Source: Reader's Digest